Customization Options

Hitchcock Memorials Design Center offers several options for personalization of granite memorials. Choosing the lettering style and granite color is the start of how to personalize the Memorial you have selected. A wide variety of fonts are available for your choosing. Please view granite colors and fonts below.The next level of personalization is to add Emblems, additional text, Cameos, and Etchings. Emblems signifying religious faith, military service, careers, and/or hobbies allow you to express important events and achievements in your loved one’s life. Adding additional lettering to a Memorial gives you the opportunity to express a favorite verse, nickname, or quotation. Cameos allow you to reproduce treasured pictures on a ceramic or steel cameo to be attached to the memorial. Etchings are similar to cameos because they add scenes to the memorial; however, etchings give more detail to the portrait and scene whether it is in black and white or full color.Please view all of the customization categories below to see which option is best for personalizing your Memorial.Please Note: The following selections on the Web-Site are only a snapshot of the total Designs we offer. Please contact us for more options.


Cameo in Back Plate
Cameo in Back Plate
Cameo with Ring Vertical
Cameo with Ring Vertical
Steel Cameo
Steel Cameo
Cameo with Ring Horizontal
Cameo with Ring Horizontal
Covered Frame Cameo
Covered Frame Cameo

Emblems: Animals

C1 - Sleeping Bear
C1 - Sleeping Bear
C4 - Dove
C4 - Dove
C13 - Cat
C13 - Cat
C24 - Beagle
C24 - Beagle
C30 - Fish C
C30 - Fish C
C18 - Buck and Doe
C18 - Buck and Doe

Emblems: Bible Characters

P1 - M
P1 - M
P4 - J
P4 - J
P10 - Christ Holding Baby
P10 - Christ Holding Baby
P9 - 40 FB
P9 - 40 FB

Emblems: Flowers, Hands, Scrolls and Rings

A3 - S
A3 - S
A6 - Dogwood
A6 - Dogwood
A4 - 7
A4 - 7
A6 - Lily
A6 - Lily
B2 - 2
B2 - 2
B9 - LockingB
B9 - LockingB
B15 - Praying Hands D
B15 - Praying Hands D

Etchings: Black & White

KM 202
KM 202
KM 400
KM 400
KM 405
KM 405
KM 601
KM 601

Etchings: Color



Modern Roman
Modern Roman
Condensed Roman
Condensed Roman
Double Outline Modern Roman
Double Outline Modern Roman
Murray Script
Murray Script
Ashley Script
Ashley Script

Granite Colors

American Black
American Black
Dakota Mahogany
Dakota Mahogany
Flash Black
Flash Black
Galaxy Black
Galaxy Black
Grey Cloud
Grey Cloud
Impala Black
Impala Black
Keystone Blue
Keystone Blue
Missouri Red
Missouri Red
North American Pink
North American Pink
St. Albans Pink
St. Albans Pink
Topaz Blue
Topaz Blue